Everyone loves the word Free and it gets people attention too. But as people know there is never such a thing as Free. There will always be a catch somewhere behind the offer.
Many business owners will spends weeks and months building up contact Newsletter lists. If you are a specialist or an expert in a certain sector then why not use this to your advantage! To develop your list.
Never forget, the most important thing about your giveaway or offer is that it has to solve a problem for your visitors. Give your customer’s something they need, otherwise, it won’t work.
How do you do this?
Maybe you are an independent financial adviser and you have a wealth of information that could share with readers in for form of an ebook or this could be a PDF. In order for viewers to be able to see the content, they have to sign up to your list. Once they do this they can continue to download the information and the e-book.
Have you ever considered imparting your knowledge onto others via an online video? Webinars are becoming popular due to peoples’ hectic schedules as they enable people to train and learn whilst at their desk at work. By putting together either a one-off or a series of mini webinars you can get your prospective clients to sign up for FREE to view the content in exchange for their contact data.
Case Studies
You can give subscribers a free “case study” in exchange for them signing up.
Give a sneak peek
Provide part of a resource for free, promising more when a user signs up. For example, do a post on “5 Ways to Get More People to your event.” At the bottom, have something that says the following:
Learn more techniques – download our exclusive guide to increasing people with our additional strategies.
Instant offer for first-time subscribers.
Try offering an instant incentive for becoming a newsletter subscriber. If you’re doing email marketing for an eCommerce site, you might offer a 20% off discount voucher.
The universe of promoting your email list is much broader than the classic “Discount Discount Discounts” communications. These were just 4 ideas for growing your newsletter list
If you need advice on how to make your website work for you and your business simply give us a call on 07922138513 or email info@thedigitalstudios.co.uk to find out more about how we can help.
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Have you got a web development project you need help with? Get in touch.