When it comes to creating impactful online content, it’s not only the traditionally wordier material such as blogs and thought pieces which can sometimes cause a mental block, it also happens when we are composing our latest Facebook or Twitter post. So, how can we continue to grab the attention of our target audiences, on a regular basis, and in 140 characters and under?
And so, without further ado, here are The Digital Studios’ top hints and tricks on boosting your social media blurb when things are getting a little stale:
Size Matters.
140 characters should be your Twitter golden rule, and the equivalent for Facebook. A smaller paragraph containing only the headlines is best. By keeping your posts succinct and snappy, you stand the best chance of gaining interest in your posts and ultimately, your page and your profile. In today’s world where we only have time to skim through what we see and where we are used to getting what we need at the touch of a button, you can’t afford to be long-winded.
Give your audience something for free.
Create a little series of “how to” guides for your followers, share your knowledge or ideas, see if you can track down lesser-known or new guidance and incentives, involve experts or special guest bloggers who can take the pressure off you and provide relevant and specific expertise . Always aim to inspire. Everyone loves a freebie and at the same time, your audience will feel valued and in the know….and may even recommend you to their peers and friends as a trusted source of information.
Behind the scenes.
Nothing is perfect all the time, we all know this. If you are guilty of only sharing Instagram-perfect images, then give your social media followers a treat by showcasing the nitty gritty. If your feed usually consists of pristine, serene office pictures, then why not present your readers with the aftermath of a team meeting or a productive brainstorming session i.e. something out of the ordinary. They’ll love you for it. Are you trying to perfect a particular pose or style within your photography? If so, share this progress with your followers, the real life effort you’re putting in to perfect your image and perhaps even with some “before & after” shots? In other words, show everyone there’s a real person behind your posts.
Interact with your followers.
Use your audience to get an insight into what makes them tick. Ask them how their weekend was, what plans they have for the bank holiday, where they would recommend people go for a bite to eat in their local area, what their top tips or advice might be on a particular subject matter. Questions start great conversations and will ultimately lead to a better understanding of your community; their values and their expectations.
Re-use blog content. Sharing an old “how to” guide or a link roundup is a great way to hook in people to your blog or website. If it’s of interest to your followers, they will do the job for you and reshare and retweet across their networks. Don’t be scared to recycle existing content; if it hasn’t been shared with your readers or followers for a while, they may have missed it the first time around or best case scenario, they’ve already seen it and are glad of the reminder.
Share the love.
It doesn’t have to be all about you. Share a blog, feature a social media follower or invite an expert peer to contribute. Not only does this take the pressure off you, it also means you could be presenting an alternative view or narrative, or giving your followers a deeper insight into a particular subject matter. Similarly, if you take part in a guest blog post, or have been featured elsewhere, share the links with your followers and show your support for the publication or editorial you’ve been a part of.
Join the conversation.
Facebook and Twitter hashtags and trending topics are where you need to feature. Make sure you’re aware of, and are involved with, today’s top trend. Join a conversation, share the story, connect with a new follower (or brand) and in general, try something new. It’s not just about who you draw to your pages, you also need to be aware of the movers and shakers around you and ensure you are connected to those in the know so you can stay relevant and maximise your appeal.
And finally…
Maintaining a social media presence is key and it’s not just important for reasons of visibility. Social media giants such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are used so widely, they are rapidly becoming the first places consumers head to, to find out more when researching products or services, checking out reviews, and / or looking for specific information or advice. This is true in the case of both start ups and big business and image and content are everything.
Our one key takeaway is to always prioritise and dedicate time to social media and to post at least once a week. You should additionally make time to stay in touch with all of the latest news and trending topics within your social media space.
If you’re still stuck in a bit of a social media rut though, or you know you just don’t have the time to spare, The Digital Studios can support you with this. Whether it’s an overall social media strategy, suggestions on specific content pieces, some clever branding ideas to uplift your social media channels, we can help and we are contactable here.
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