Are you in the process of creating a new website for your business or updating your website. Do you want some ideas of what items to include in your foot for your website?
Your footer often gets overlooked when you’re thinking about your website strategy. In reality, this section can actually be one of the hardest working areas of your site. Why? Because your footer is visible on every single page of your website, so anything you place here is pretty much guaranteed to be seen!
Why is your footer Important
A very comment perception is that your website footer is not that important as your header or body of your website. A study by Chartbeat found that visitors spend more time on the footer than you think. You view the study here by Chartbeat
some brands have observed up to a 50% increase in conversions when they optimized their website footer design with specific goals in mind.
With these things in mind , here are some of the most common things to consider for your website footer.
A easy one to consider is copyright information. This is a easy way to protect your website from plagiarism. © The year and the copyright symbol.
Privacy Policy
One of the common items in the website footer is pricacy policy. This links to a page that explains what information your website collects, how it’s stored and how it’s used.
Terms of Use
‘Terms of use’ explains what the visitors agrees to by visiting the website.
Social Icons
Placing these in your footer allows visitors to easily access your social pages without them having to look too hard or having to search your website. If your company is active on any of these networks consider displaying your latest posts.
Email Sign up
Building an email list is one of the most effective ways to gain a loyal following of
customers and potential clients. Plus, it’s the one list that you actually own. In contrast, Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms own the list of your followers . By placing this box in your footer where visitors will see it on every page, you increase the chances that they’ll sign up.
These logos instil confidence in your visitors. If you’ve ever won an award, adding the logo that award to your footer is quick way to add credibility to our website.
Association Memberships
A lot of membership have several privileges. One these might be letting you use there logo in your footer.
Latest articles from your blog
If you are active in content marketing you can have your latest content published into your footer
Company Contact details
Provide a way for your customers get in touch this can be via you could also include address or directions to your business & telephone Number
Website Footer Design
Number Just because the footer exists at the bottom doesn’t mean it’s useless. A lot of people in the past. Your website footer is a important place to display information that could clutter up other areas of your website. Optimizing your website footer design can actually lead to increases in conversions and revenue, so don’t neglect it.